5 Ways to Crush Trumpism and Unify the Nation, Today

5 Ways to Crush Trumpism:
1.One Continuing Resolution for all of 2021
2. Ear-Marks to Reward Democrats
3. Announce Abrams for Supreme Court
4. Women for Every Judicial Nomination
5. 50-State Campaign w Slayer Pete
This is a time for unity as President-Elect Biden has stated. But, let’s be clear about what unity means. I am for unity, but I am not for appeasing the adoption of Trumpism in the Republican Party.
The 2020 election was a mandate on politics and policy. Most Americans are centrist-liberals. You don’t win Georgia and Arizona as a Democrat unless there is a strong base of support.

Trumpism in the Republican party is currently a safe haven of white supremacists and conspiracy theorists. Adamant anti-vaxers and anti-maskers. The anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-climate change, anti-choice bigots, sexists, and anti-science extremists. It is still the party dominated by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. The cowering has not stopped, and the grip has not loosened. I do not support unity with Mitch McConnell. This is about defeating Trumpism.
They just stole a Supreme Court vacancy while votes were being cast, a few weeks ago. So I suggest 5 ways to promote unity and demolish Trumpism:
- One Continuing Resolution for 2021: In the House, there should be one large Continuing Resolution (CR) for all of 2021. It should include a years worth of funding and the Equality Act/Dream Act/ ACA and Civil Rights Act. The Democrats must be willing to shut down the government, hold tough, and show no mercy to McConnell.

2. Ear-marks to Reward Democrats: It is time to restart riders, and pork-barrel politics. This will reward Democrats and bring moderate Republicans to the table.
3. Announce Abrams for Supreme Court, Today: Both Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (J.D. from Georgia State) or Stacey Abrams (J.D. from Yale) are lawyers. Both would be amazing and Biden should announce one of them as the next Supreme Court nominee now. This will open the flood gates of opposition but it will mobilize voters in Georgia ahead of the Senate races. Control of the Senate will determine if Bottoms or Abrams is a Justice.

4. Women for Every Judicial Nomination. To counter the court packing of Mitch McConnell, every nominee to every federal seat should be a woman. This announcement could be made today. This is a bold pro-woman statement. This may also address the lack of support from white women in the 2020 election.
5. 50 state Campaign with Slayer Pete. It is time to resurrect Howard Dean’s 50-state campaign to consolidate the 2020 election. And the best future head of the DNC was the best surrogate for Biden (after VP-elect Harris) — Slayer Pete. He had the message and temperament to even deal with Fox News. This announcement could be made today.
Or next week. But I would roll out one of these each week for the next 5 weeks.

Dr. Christopher L. Pepin-Neff has a B.A. in political science, a Master’s in public policy and a PhD in public policy.